The handwritten personal check is most definitely on its way to the kingdom of obsolete. The card...debit, credit, amex, visa, m/c, discover, black, gold, red, purple, silver, and green (as is my own...the color of money) are kings of the castle. Customer wrote a check last week for three hundred twenty eight dollars and 13/100 cents. And in the number box wrote $389.13, which was the amount of the sale. The bank took only 328 and change. We eventually got the balance via king of the castle visa charge and surely learned the value of proofreadiing those remaining merchant fee free personal checks. That means we get the whole amount if amounts agree, not throwing 2-3% to the kings of the castle card companies when we take a charge, which is 95% of the time.
The customer explained to me why she wrote the disagreeable check in the first place... for months she has had an awful case of hives...been to every imaginable doctor, has taken predisone orally and via injection, been allergy tested up the wazoo, they want to biopsy her liver, but has now opted to follow a strict diet and herb regimen provided by our oriental medicine specialists here in town. My head is still spinning about that one.
We are hoping for the best.